The Epona True Natural Horsemanship Academy is a division of Epona Stable and Farms Ltd.

Welcome to The Epona Academy of True Natural Horsemanship

True Natural Horsemanship is a bridge between human and horse,
one on which we can walk together.

- Felicia Allen, Founder

The Epona Academy Of True Natural Horsemanship provides public workshops about the horse's intelligence, beauty, nature and language. Come and experience the horse as never before (and bring the kids for Free in TNH family workshops!)

The Academy also qualifies instructors in the True Natural Horsemanship method of communicating and training horses which relies on humane, universal horse principles of kindness, compassion and effective communication in a language that horses can understand (their own).

True Natural Horsemanship is the only method in the world where no whips or artificial pain-oriented paraphernalia are used on the horses in any aspect of communication or training.
The True Natural Horsemanship method achieves everything that commercial natural horsemanship methods achieve with one big difference: No whips are used on horses or artificial pain-oriented paraphernalia.

Participate in a workshop where the practitioner does not even carry a whip in any part of the experience. See how the horse responds, learns and socializes naturally.

“Make new and meaningful friendships with Horses!”

True Natural Horsemanship workshops

The Academy's workshops include Public workshops, Horse Owners workshops and Instructor workshops.

Public Workshops

For anyone who loves horses and wants an experience with the beautiful and majestic horse, we recommend The Way Of The Horse, The Miraculous Self and The TNH Family workshops. No horse experience needed!

Visitors to Vancouver will have a memorable experience learning and being with horses. The Academy is located near Vancouver in South Surrey just off Highway 99. Make your trip memorable and Fun with participation in a public workshop!
The public workshops are ideal for corporations to strengthen staff communications and break communication barriers.
Individuals who are curious and interested to learn more about horses and experience something 'different' will also enjoy these public workshops.
No horse experience needed!

Horse Owners Workshops

True Natural Horsemanship workshops for horse owners teach that:

Meaningful Interaction develops a bond with a horse based on mutual respect and trust.

Simple changes in a language that horses understand - the language of horses - bring positive and desired outcomes while focussing on you for direction, leadership and guidance.

Understanding Misunderstandings with changing common mistakes in communication produce positive outcomes for you and your horse

Problem solve in a language that horses understand - the language of horses. Private workshops are also available (on site or off site) to assist a horse owner with a specific problem with a horse.

Learn how to change conditioned concepts for Authentic Dialogue with the highly intelligent and beautiful horse in True Natural Horsemanship workshops..

Horses natural

Public Workshops Schedule

The Miraculous Self

More information

The Way Of The Horse

More information

TNH Family Workshops

More information
Public Workshops

I am not really a horsey person but tried the The Way Of The Horse Workshop because I have always liked horses. It was super interesting and really great! I am getting my mom a certificate for christmas she has always liked horses and she going to love this workshop!
Cristina Hall. Nurse, Vancouver, BC

From a stressful job and some stuff I've been sorting out the Miraculous Self workshop made me feel terrific. I connected with my horse who showed me things I never thought about. This was better than any therapy. Really, try it.
True Natural Horsemanship workshop participant Anthony Watkins. Executive, Tricep Corporation, CA, USA

Horse Owners

Learn effective horse training, communication and how to work with common problems in training horses as well as problem-solving. Learn new ways to grow in your partnership with a horse!
Horse Owners Workshops

Felicia is a horse whisperer. At first we were sceptic because she showed us things we thought we already knew having been around horses for many years. She sees things the way that horses see things, her understanding of the horse can't be denied. The concepts are amazing and make so much sense. She doesn't carry a whip or use a whip so refreshing from the other natural horsemanship people. She does it all with herself and the horse. That she has a passion for horses is an understatement. She turned our world around that's for sure.
Maria and Jonathan Baker. Horse owners, Kamloops

TNH Instructor Workshops

TNH Generalist Instructor

more info

TNH Specialist Instructor

more info


TNH Apprenticeship program

more info

International Apprentice Program

human and equine communication naturally

natural equine communication

Contact Details

Telephone:(604) 263-1023

Email: Contact the Academy

Facility: Board & amenities

*By appointment only*
17548 24 Avenue
British Columbia,


The statements and information on the Epona Academy web site are the sole copyright of Epona Stable and Farms Ltd. Any replication, duplication or use of the True Natural Horsemanship methods and philosophy without written permission are enforceable as a copyright infringement. The Epona Academy Of True Natural Horsemanship is a division of the Epona Stable and Farms established in 1975.